Below is Patrick Scott Patterson calling out REAL notable gamers and of course cannot take the heat so he uses pity once again and fabrication
I skipped Colt's first birthday under HIS PERSONAL PROMISE that our
promised pay was going to take place. I made a mistake and I'm REAL
about it... and you still whine like bitches over it. Then again - as I
said before - this is NOT the first time I've posted this exact
Reply - You have skipped many family affairs do to scores and ill doings we seen it on TG forums YOU posted, it's not the first Birthday you missed Patrick
At the same time, some of you knocked me
just the same for turning down a guaranteed $30,000 up to a $50,000
payday to do a show with the psycho you support despite his celebrations
of our miscarriage, rape threats against my wife, physical threats
against me, calling my child a retard and an invalid and his support of a
literal stalker who I have the police investigating RIGHT NOW. But
yeah, hey... claim I'm a sell out... even after some of you said you'd
have taken that show money.
Reply - Regarding Rudy J. Ferretti a Sag Actor hmmmm no Patrick you do not get 30-50k for a 15-30 min show appearance being a NOBODY on a court show, and you call Rudy a Psych besides you and Cat, nobody ever accused Rudy of cheating, jail concerns, lets see stealing money, false information being entered into mags and books, creating fake people and scores, doing ANYTHING illegal, nobody celebrated your pity me Miscarriage, asking to have your wife after a fight is a trophy not a rape threat, you done plenty of Physical Threats home skillet, well clearly the Invalid stuff is accurate, you have NO investigation and if you do it's now watered down, you are a sell out, you did with mags and sites and kickstarter deals. The reality is the show contacted Rudy and Rudy explained the bad person you were and the SHOW was dropped and it would have been 50-1000 Tops even Rudy would not have gotten more than 567 for the day and he is a SAG actor YOU are not.
Marc Cohen... F YOU.
My own personal statement, not representing anything I'm associated
with. F YOU. You were invited into our home... my wife made you
dinner... I took you to one of my local hangouts, where you gave me your
undying support while ripping into the "mental" state of Ferretti.
Some time later, you denied to me flatly that you described our home to
him, claiming you didn't want to be involved in any drama. You are a
liar and a puss of a man. Zero respect for someone who double talks and
rips from afar like that, especially after being shown hospitality.
Cram it.
Reply - Awww how cute the old F YOU so because he came into the 2x4 Family House and your wife NEVER made him dinner that is fabricated, oh now Rudy is mental ???? and your home should have been a house by now but because YOU don't want to work or get a REAL job it suppresses them while Melissa kills herself daily, all you did was speak about yourself the entire time Marc was there, same at funspot telling him not to stand too close to you to get camera action, F YOU patrick.
The hypocrisy of that community is only
trumped by the total lack of information they have before they spout off
about shit. I posted this today to HELP YOU, because frankly Mitchell
pulled some true bullshit with it and YOU ARE RIGHT to remove it. It
was the day I saw the light concerning him and the whole TG fairy tale
that so many of you rip me for fighting against AS YOU. START TO SEE IT
TOO and start to do the same. Yet my post results in some of you
ripping on ME rather than the liar Mitchell and the circumstances.
Suck it.
Reply - Can't take the heat huh patrick it goes back to your L-22 Cookie Jar with ill players Like Steve Sanders
Patrick Scott Patterson and his coward crew on desperation mode again!!!!
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Patrick Scott Patterson's audience reels and tanks, as he tries to look for pity and fights and tries to cover up his lies and uses tragic events for the publicity
Of course you could bank on it that Patrick Scott Patterson would eventually crack in recent events admitting to a serious ill doing but of course like a ghetto/hood thug he tries to twist and blame others and claimed he was forced to do the ill deed for money, this is what EVERY dirty criminal always says, or even going back to the Nazi Holocaust wars!!!!!!!!!!
All we hear is excuse after excuse, this always proves if his Business did so well up till the Country hit the Skins he quoted, then where is the savings, I mean living in a 2x4 leaky place for under 700 a month, should net ya savings when your making well over median income and living off ACA right?
Funny fact is he was so called rescuing during and after the Hurricanes took place, even after mentioning a death in the family IF it's even true. While he goes to cash in on people in desperate need to sell or give away stuff for him to turn profit.
Instead of donating his own money or clothes or stuff, NOT riding Operation Supply Drops coat tails or other fake/Charities.
All we hear is excuse after excuse, this always proves if his Business did so well up till the Country hit the Skins he quoted, then where is the savings, I mean living in a 2x4 leaky place for under 700 a month, should net ya savings when your making well over median income and living off ACA right?
Funny fact is he was so called rescuing during and after the Hurricanes took place, even after mentioning a death in the family IF it's even true. While he goes to cash in on people in desperate need to sell or give away stuff for him to turn profit.
Instead of donating his own money or clothes or stuff, NOT riding Operation Supply Drops coat tails or other fake/Charities.
personal statement. I'm hoping someone will do the right thing and
direct people to this so it may be taken into consideration.
It's been brought to my attention that the 2010 Donkey Kong score listed by Billy Mitchell has come under the scrutiny of the Twin Galaxies Challenge System that I've recently criticized. While I still think old scores should not be removed from the database based on the opinions of the general public, in this case that community has valid reason to doubt the legitimacy of that score.
Why? Because it was entered without proper verification.
I've told this story before, so I'm going to do the short version here in hopes that people actually note and use the information this time.
Reply - You would know best about Improper entering, verification and ill doings of the data base it caused you to be forced to resign and nearly Jail Time.
In 2010, DK had more verification rules that other titles simply due to the desire to avoid further controversy over title changes.
Days before the Big Bang 2010 event, I personally received a voicemail from Mitchell informing me he had "an exclusive" for me and to call him back. So I did.
He told me that he had set the DK and DKJ records at an arcade near him and that it was witnessed by a TG referee. He asked me to write the article that announced these accomplishments to the world so that it could help draw media attention to his induction into the Hall of Fame in Iowa that upcoming weekend.
Reply - Everyone of Merit knows this but because Nobody of Merit is left in your Fiverr fake circle it makes sense to pity it...
For six hours I received calls with a variety of people on the calls, literally dictating to me how I was going to write the article. Mitchell took offense to the part where I stated that it was "pending official verification" by telling me "it's verified and official now". At that point - when I finally got a word in - I declined to have anything to do with it.
I woke up the next day to learn Mitchell was instead just calling a press conference at the Big Bang to announce it. This was news to David Nelson when I called him about it that afternoon, and he wasn't happy.
Reply - So right here shows you were pressured MAYBE however it goes back to ethics and will power which you proven over the last decade you have neither. You are the Jump off the Brooklyn Bridge Syndrome man, Hey everybody Pete Told me to Jump off and I get 4gs I was forced to do it and needed the money so I hurt others for the gain.
The first day of the Big Bang event came, and David went to have a chat with Mitchell about this. He came back to me frustrated, telling me that Mitchell said "If you don't publish the score, I'm going to screw ya".
So it came down to a simple vote. All then-TG referees that were at the event (most of the staff at the time was there) went into a hotel room and voted via a private ballot on if we were or were not going to accept the scores. Billy won the vote.
Reply - So instead of taking ethical actions and proper channels you did the weak link move because you were blackmailed and that IS if it is even true considering all the lies you do and have been involved in, you have NO credibility.
Pete Bouvier almost overrode it, but that's when Mark Kiehl popped up at the hotel to give me a disc with his Donkey Kong Junior record on it. Essentially, Mitchell was set to announce a record score he'd already lost and technically never set. That got Bouvier to spin around the other way.
He wasn't proud of it, but there it was. Billy told the TG staff what to put, Pete said to do it, and even the "Because I'm Billy Mitchell" line was faked, created by the writer of the article rather than Mitchell. To quote Pete Bouvier, the scores were entered "to shut him up"
So yeah... Billy Mitchell's 2010 Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Junior scores were entered into the Twin Galaxies database simply to placate him.. .because he'd brought pressure to do so.
Reply - So you got a so called Ill disc knowing it was fake and instead of exposing it being a good Journalist Writer you falsify history and let it go in on TG and Guinness, but of course it's everyone elses fault right, despite YOU wanted to be the press guy and go to guy.
Worse yet, we were told to defend accepting the scores, and given that Bouvier owed me $4,000 I needed at the time, I went along with it. Had I known he'd pay us only $800 of it after nearly five months of waiting, I'd have gone ahead and spilled it.
But it's also one of the reasons - along with that shorted payout - that I quit in early 2011. It's also the point in time where I began to question the legend of Billy Mitchell. While some like to defend him against me claiming I have some personal grudge... that's not it, people. It's going through this and seeing other instances that suggest he's done this to many that make me question most of what he says. He tried - and failed - to order me as to how to write an article about him... but he successfully lobbied to have scores entered and press created for him with ZERO validation as per the rules at that time.
Reply - All you cared about was money you have 0 proof you were promised a DIME, it was handshake deal and considering the people you screwed out of fame and money over the years too bad it did not leave you in the poor house, sorry that already is the reality.
I'm sick over not standing up for it back then. Then again, standing up against that stuff now gets me heat, too. Either way I guess.
But at the end of the day, I have serious doubts about the validity of that 2010 score and while I still believe that Challenge System is the wrong idea... in this case I can personally attest to the fact that there are numerous reasons to question it.
I know there are people there who don't care for what I have to say about anything, but there it is. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't bring this back up now, as I think there are valid reasons to question that score and the events surrounding it.
Reply You are a Sick Individual money hungry driven liar, scam artist no good ill doing horrible person, nobody should work with you after this and if they do they are stupid....
This also explains why you keep reposting getting 1-15 likes in many cases 0 and up to 100 posting other peoples work and pics of gaming stuff, you sure posted lots on Harvey even jokes, anything to gain interest or money Patrick........
It's been brought to my attention that the 2010 Donkey Kong score listed by Billy Mitchell has come under the scrutiny of the Twin Galaxies Challenge System that I've recently criticized. While I still think old scores should not be removed from the database based on the opinions of the general public, in this case that community has valid reason to doubt the legitimacy of that score.
Why? Because it was entered without proper verification.
I've told this story before, so I'm going to do the short version here in hopes that people actually note and use the information this time.
Reply - You would know best about Improper entering, verification and ill doings of the data base it caused you to be forced to resign and nearly Jail Time.
In 2010, DK had more verification rules that other titles simply due to the desire to avoid further controversy over title changes.
Days before the Big Bang 2010 event, I personally received a voicemail from Mitchell informing me he had "an exclusive" for me and to call him back. So I did.
He told me that he had set the DK and DKJ records at an arcade near him and that it was witnessed by a TG referee. He asked me to write the article that announced these accomplishments to the world so that it could help draw media attention to his induction into the Hall of Fame in Iowa that upcoming weekend.
Reply - Everyone of Merit knows this but because Nobody of Merit is left in your Fiverr fake circle it makes sense to pity it...
For six hours I received calls with a variety of people on the calls, literally dictating to me how I was going to write the article. Mitchell took offense to the part where I stated that it was "pending official verification" by telling me "it's verified and official now". At that point - when I finally got a word in - I declined to have anything to do with it.
I woke up the next day to learn Mitchell was instead just calling a press conference at the Big Bang to announce it. This was news to David Nelson when I called him about it that afternoon, and he wasn't happy.
Reply - So right here shows you were pressured MAYBE however it goes back to ethics and will power which you proven over the last decade you have neither. You are the Jump off the Brooklyn Bridge Syndrome man, Hey everybody Pete Told me to Jump off and I get 4gs I was forced to do it and needed the money so I hurt others for the gain.
The first day of the Big Bang event came, and David went to have a chat with Mitchell about this. He came back to me frustrated, telling me that Mitchell said "If you don't publish the score, I'm going to screw ya".
So it came down to a simple vote. All then-TG referees that were at the event (most of the staff at the time was there) went into a hotel room and voted via a private ballot on if we were or were not going to accept the scores. Billy won the vote.
Reply - So instead of taking ethical actions and proper channels you did the weak link move because you were blackmailed and that IS if it is even true considering all the lies you do and have been involved in, you have NO credibility.
Pete Bouvier almost overrode it, but that's when Mark Kiehl popped up at the hotel to give me a disc with his Donkey Kong Junior record on it. Essentially, Mitchell was set to announce a record score he'd already lost and technically never set. That got Bouvier to spin around the other way.
He wasn't proud of it, but there it was. Billy told the TG staff what to put, Pete said to do it, and even the "Because I'm Billy Mitchell" line was faked, created by the writer of the article rather than Mitchell. To quote Pete Bouvier, the scores were entered "to shut him up"
So yeah... Billy Mitchell's 2010 Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Junior scores were entered into the Twin Galaxies database simply to placate him.. .because he'd brought pressure to do so.
Reply - So you got a so called Ill disc knowing it was fake and instead of exposing it being a good Journalist Writer you falsify history and let it go in on TG and Guinness, but of course it's everyone elses fault right, despite YOU wanted to be the press guy and go to guy.
Worse yet, we were told to defend accepting the scores, and given that Bouvier owed me $4,000 I needed at the time, I went along with it. Had I known he'd pay us only $800 of it after nearly five months of waiting, I'd have gone ahead and spilled it.
But it's also one of the reasons - along with that shorted payout - that I quit in early 2011. It's also the point in time where I began to question the legend of Billy Mitchell. While some like to defend him against me claiming I have some personal grudge... that's not it, people. It's going through this and seeing other instances that suggest he's done this to many that make me question most of what he says. He tried - and failed - to order me as to how to write an article about him... but he successfully lobbied to have scores entered and press created for him with ZERO validation as per the rules at that time.
Reply - All you cared about was money you have 0 proof you were promised a DIME, it was handshake deal and considering the people you screwed out of fame and money over the years too bad it did not leave you in the poor house, sorry that already is the reality.
I'm sick over not standing up for it back then. Then again, standing up against that stuff now gets me heat, too. Either way I guess.
But at the end of the day, I have serious doubts about the validity of that 2010 score and while I still believe that Challenge System is the wrong idea... in this case I can personally attest to the fact that there are numerous reasons to question it.
I know there are people there who don't care for what I have to say about anything, but there it is. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't bring this back up now, as I think there are valid reasons to question that score and the events surrounding it.
Reply You are a Sick Individual money hungry driven liar, scam artist no good ill doing horrible person, nobody should work with you after this and if they do they are stupid....
This also explains why you keep reposting getting 1-15 likes in many cases 0 and up to 100 posting other peoples work and pics of gaming stuff, you sure posted lots on Harvey even jokes, anything to gain interest or money Patrick........
Friday, September 1, 2017
A motion and Proposal was made today to remove and ban Patrick Scott Patterson's scores and history
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Patrick Scott Patterson involved with yet another promotional scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As noted Gamer Gauntlet NEVER existed yet Patrick Scott Patterson without covering his own ill tracks claims it was ONLY cancelled YET it was a scam and he was in the works all years pushing sales of tickets to book in advance for something HE KNEW was FRAUD
Here is the COVER UP
Patrick Scott Patterson
Been asked a few times now why I've said nothing about the Gamer Gauntlet cruise falling through.
The reason is simple: It wouldn't be professional for me to do so.
I was booked for an event that didn't pan out. Between my wrestling days and what I do now, that's hardly a first and probably won't be a last.
Here is the COVER UP
Patrick Scott Patterson
Been asked a few times now why I've said nothing about the Gamer Gauntlet cruise falling through.
The reason is simple: It wouldn't be professional for me to do so.
I was booked for an event that didn't pan out. Between my wrestling days and what I do now, that's hardly a first and probably won't be a last.
Rather than get into a
world of assumptive Internet reaction, I simply discussed things with my
partner and the promoter and replaced the booking. C'set la vie.
MoneyMatches @theMoneyMatches
MoneyMatches @theMoneyMatches
MoneyMatches will be withdrawing from the gamer "cruise"
This is due to the fact that it does not exsist.
Article coming shortly #fraudcon
You patterson are a scam crook liar fraud and YOU GET EVERYTHING YOU DESERVE IN RETURN
The Gamer Gauntlet 2017 Cruise has been advertised for close to a year now as the “Ultimate Video Game Cruise” and, while the hype video
will probably give you a mild case of vertigo, it looked like a
legitimate venture with partners like Red Bull, Meta Threads, Esports
Arena, and Matcherino to name just a few.
The cruise was advertised to set sail from Florida to the Bahamas on Royal Caribbean’s Majesty of the Seas in October and include a horde of experiences targeted at gamers like full immersion game rooms, cosplay contests, EDM DJ’s and esports tournaments with broadcasts live from the ship. Even major teams like Denial Esports and Method had already committed to attending and competing on the cruise as well.
Sounds too good to be true? Seems like it is. Esports betting company, MoneyMatches was set to be the exclusive betting service on the cruise but as CEO Zach Smith dug deeper into the internal organisation of Gamer Gauntlet he found it was far from what it’s been perceived. Friday, Smith live streamed a phone conversation with Gamer Tech Events founder, Curtis Smith (no relation) as he was confronted about questionable information coming out about the event.
Zach explained after he heard the second in command at Gamer Tech Events had quit after not being paid, he investigated further with Royal Caribbean and found that not only do they have no record of the cruise ever existing, but that they’ve sent Gamer Tech Events a cease and desist order. He then went on to reveal his knowledge of not only Red Bull bowing out, but that Red Bull weren’t even aware of the cruise to begin with.
Hours after the first live stream, Zach began another explaining the timeline of events leading up to this point. He states that after hearing that Gamer Tech’s second in command left due to not being paid, and hearing rumors of Red Bull pulling out they began to investigate further into the legitimacy of the venture and found that all claims of the cruise had been false.
After the confrontation Curtis Smith later took to Instagram to explain, “For starters it’s technically correct. At the same time it is also being taken out of context.” His statement goes on to say that the company lost their original investor and has been working to find a new one but chose not to reveal that to the public, or people who already bought tickets to the ‘cruise’. He then says they expect to have a fully contracted charter within the next week, claiming they have already secured a new investor.
Shortly after Zach Smith’s live stream other partners and teams affiliated to the cruise began catching on and pulling out as well.
The cruise was advertised to set sail from Florida to the Bahamas on Royal Caribbean’s Majesty of the Seas in October and include a horde of experiences targeted at gamers like full immersion game rooms, cosplay contests, EDM DJ’s and esports tournaments with broadcasts live from the ship. Even major teams like Denial Esports and Method had already committed to attending and competing on the cruise as well.
Sounds too good to be true? Seems like it is. Esports betting company, MoneyMatches was set to be the exclusive betting service on the cruise but as CEO Zach Smith dug deeper into the internal organisation of Gamer Gauntlet he found it was far from what it’s been perceived. Friday, Smith live streamed a phone conversation with Gamer Tech Events founder, Curtis Smith (no relation) as he was confronted about questionable information coming out about the event.
Zach explained after he heard the second in command at Gamer Tech Events had quit after not being paid, he investigated further with Royal Caribbean and found that not only do they have no record of the cruise ever existing, but that they’ve sent Gamer Tech Events a cease and desist order. He then went on to reveal his knowledge of not only Red Bull bowing out, but that Red Bull weren’t even aware of the cruise to begin with.
Hours after the first live stream, Zach began another explaining the timeline of events leading up to this point. He states that after hearing that Gamer Tech’s second in command left due to not being paid, and hearing rumors of Red Bull pulling out they began to investigate further into the legitimacy of the venture and found that all claims of the cruise had been false.
After the confrontation Curtis Smith later took to Instagram to explain, “For starters it’s technically correct. At the same time it is also being taken out of context.” His statement goes on to say that the company lost their original investor and has been working to find a new one but chose not to reveal that to the public, or people who already bought tickets to the ‘cruise’. He then says they expect to have a fully contracted charter within the next week, claiming they have already secured a new investor.
Shortly after Zach Smith’s live stream other partners and teams affiliated to the cruise began catching on and pulling out as well.
We are looking into concerns about the Gamer Cruise, after previously committing to attend as invited guests and promote the event socially.— Method (@Methodgg) July 28, 2017
Not even 24 hours after Zach Smith live streamed this altercation, it seems that the Gamer Gauntlet twitter account was hacked and further exposed for being a scam. Some of the tweets (most of which have now been removed) claim the hacker also hacked Curtis Smith’s Paypal, showing that 279 tickets have been purchased and that all money from the tickets went personally to the CEO.Due to recent issues that we have been made aware of. The #wolfpack is no longer going to be attending the Gamer “Cruise”.— Denial Esports (@DenialEsports) July 28, 2017
11:42 AM - 28 Jul 2017
New conversation
Replying to @theMoneyMatches @gamertechevents
The CEO (who I have contact with & have spoken to personally) just released this info on there instagram.
Trying to get him on call now..

Patrick Scott Patterson Proves his reeling appearance bothers him and does all he can to pad it in censoring ways not revealing his entire self
Here are SOME public photos of Patrick Scott Patterson in the LAST 5 Years or so!!!!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer the follwing photos are public photos posted by Patterson and are under the FAIR use act
The following photos are ORIGINAL and not photo shopped in any way to prove patterson has Gained massive Weight and Aged drastically in the last 5 to be fair 7 years to age over 20 years even IF it was taken in 2007 AGING 20 YEARS IS A DISGRACE
Here is a photo taken in 2009-2013
Abdomen big not that BIG YET
Normal u can see his creases in his face and know he has an addams apple still overweight not much
Cranium increase by nearly 4 inch radius NO not a camera issue or any shops, wrinkles, greying, massive Abdomen at least 100-150 lbs gained between 2009-2017
Below is within the last 5 years u see his Cranium and neck mass growing and Abdomen not much yet
Cranium expanding
Now from 2009-2017 See neck smaller cranium normal still hideous but normal
Same here no big gut yet or enlarged cranium
Here you can see no addams apple and a massive mass of neck and cranium growth
Patterson is way over 6 ft tall and now weighs 380 Lbs
Used to weight as low as 260 he claims 240
So to be fair will say 100-120 Lbs gained in 8 years
Not to mention massive Mass of Fat around the face, abdomen and neck which is in fact high risk for Diabetes, heart disease and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrick Scott Patterson Hydroxycut is avail as Walgreeens
Disclaimer the follwing photos are public photos posted by Patterson and are under the FAIR use act
The following photos are ORIGINAL and not photo shopped in any way to prove patterson has Gained massive Weight and Aged drastically in the last 5 to be fair 7 years to age over 20 years even IF it was taken in 2007 AGING 20 YEARS IS A DISGRACE
Here is a photo taken in 2009-2013
Abdomen big not that BIG YET
Normal u can see his creases in his face and know he has an addams apple still overweight not much
Cranium increase by nearly 4 inch radius NO not a camera issue or any shops, wrinkles, greying, massive Abdomen at least 100-150 lbs gained between 2009-2017
Below is within the last 5 years u see his Cranium and neck mass growing and Abdomen not much yet
Cranium expanding
Now from 2009-2017 See neck smaller cranium normal still hideous but normal
Same here no big gut yet or enlarged cranium
Here you can see no addams apple and a massive mass of neck and cranium growth
Patterson is way over 6 ft tall and now weighs 380 Lbs
Used to weight as low as 260 he claims 240
So to be fair will say 100-120 Lbs gained in 8 years
Not to mention massive Mass of Fat around the face, abdomen and neck which is in fact high risk for Diabetes, heart disease and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrick Scott Patterson Hydroxycut is avail as Walgreeens
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Patrick Scott Patterson cries out for the attention of his life poor me poor me pity me, help me excuse for all, never wrong, what is YOUR claim to Fame????
Patrick Scott Patterson not only cannot keep himself out of trouble and ill doings BUT TROUBLE has now found him and he brought it on himself!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you have people that catch on over the years to your lies and made up truman show type life, and it gets to the point your called out by hundreds and HATED nationwide, and it comes to you being exposed, followed,photographed, you are NOT a good person and you are well aware BUT IN denial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is NO falsehood Patrick it dates back to your early 2000's scams,wrong doings and illegal practices KLOV Texashotshot anyone can look up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your failed forced to shutdown Mickey Mouse Work Arcade Repair shop
Your lies about not knowing and watching Major Names in gaming that are NOT jealous of little small time niche people like yourself!!!!!
Before we take a further crack at this Blog, lets examine one CRITICAL thing here!!!!!!!!!
What is your Claim to Fame Patrick??????
Failed Kickstarters
Living off ACA?
Living off Melissa??
Never holding a real Job?
The lie you were in the NWC let alone any semi finals???
The lie you got a DK KS ?
The lie you don't watch every move of ACTUAL celeb gamers?
The fact YOU ARE soon to be the the FIRST gamer in history to LOSE 730 plus scores????
The fact you were caught by referees self entering scores, and cheating using extra lives?
The fact you were forced to Resign from TG?
Maybe the fact YOU nearly went to Jail 2x for stealing and holding hostage intellectual property of not just Twingalaxies But of players?????
Maybe your claim to fame are the FAKE charities you run?????
Maybe that your the ONLY person in history to rebrand over 20 times in 11 years??????
Perhaps the fact you ran off with peoples money for repairs you ruined and boards and systems you fried????
Maybe that you created fake submitters and scores??? against Rudy?
Is your claim to fame the incomplete FALSE info and stories you wrote in articles like Spaltterhussies???
Perhaps the ONLY person that claimed 35 years of Passion to say he didn't ever care about High scores and used to post about it by the min????
That your failed Wrestling career never went to the level you wanted ????
You make the most pity posts in SOCIAL MEDIA HISTORY for sure?????
Having the MOST youtube videos removed for violations?
the most photos and articles stolen shopped and re written????
the things you take credit for never even attempted let alone did???
You hold quite a claim to FAME Patrick Scott Patterson, you are in FACT the greatest, liar, scam artist and failure in Modern History of Entertainment, and Gaming!!!!!!!!!!!!
You forgot to add you told several others at the event not to get too close to you when cameras are near, and didn't speak to anyone but Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The USNVGT is not your's BY law it can be retracted at any time
The fact is people are after you and pissed off for stealing and re selling in private special things sent to you LIAR, you not donated more than 25.00 to any charity, no proof any items of yours were donated.
BLAH BLAH BLAH we all know what you sell resell and use and lie about, just like the DEAD mans boxes you SAID you wanted out of resellers hands and you RESOLD them on ebay ripping people off on shipping and costs!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody but you cares about the Archive Alley which is Niche and NON existent!!!!!
Get a Job to Finance the Project WHY should donations and living off your wife be the ONLY option?
REPLY#2 Several people are following you and taking pics and watching your ill doings, some of these people you owe apologies, money and other make ups for your ill doings, it's catching up, you know there is proof your mouth running all day trying to plea your lies is PROOF, nobody cares YOU CALLED the police and you made it worse by posting about it NO cop police or Court will take YOUR case that you don't have SIMPLY now more so BECAUSE of your mouth, speaking about it and saying it don't bother you and nor do you care MORON...
A judge and police dept will DISMISS your land of make Believe case, by you PUBLIC posting downplaying the Situations!!!!!!!! You must have ate Paint chips as a kid or perhaps dropped at a young age, and it's evident!!!!!!
Paranoid Droid Tuna Melt head well Nobody knows anything except WHAT you speak upon and your warning means EMPTY promises like your DAILY big big THINGS coming est 2006 never to occur.
You crossed your own line screwing people over, stealing and lying over the years PAY BACK IS a bittersweet situation, you like to WATCH and stalk Rudy and others NOW yours is a reality in your face YOU ALWAYS wanted and cannot take!!!!!!!
It takes MONEY to SUE, get a COURT case You HAVE 0 and here is the NEXT proof you have no leg to stand on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The above ARE actual legal facts regarding your situation READ EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REPLY #3 You never cared you posted ABOUT it every month and sometimes DAILY for days and months and YEARS on end, you AGED 20 years in the last 4 in ur face, gut and overall look, not stressed my ass, and you DO care what everyone thinks you prove it daily, asking advice, bragging about fake false goals and things you never did, and of course LYING to push things YOU DID ILL, you called people CRYING about it, including Jace Hall in the middle of the NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
REPLY #4 Jut like Patrick you CARE or you spend 18 hours a day 7 days a week on US
But it's OK for you to try to sabotage the MAN and Company that made you anything you ever were????? what bigger picture more lies, a way to feed your family with NO real job, so melissa can work while you play HOUSEWIFE?, The ONLY false history is YOUR LIFE, and the claims you lie about on others, and Sabotaging wiki with ur new panty sniff!!!!!!!!! yup 1000s of miles on your car to make 50.00 a week run it into the ground, despite you NEVER PLAYED A game till 2006, and the way you eat, and live in a cess pool mess, short sleep kills when ur 150 pounds overweight btw!!!!!!
You tried to SELL those tapes to many outside of social media, your sheds ARE part of your 700.00 rent your WIFE pays we all called and checked, they are rusted, leak and are full of bacteria, GAMERS tapes GOT ruined BECAUSE of your neglect and lazy ways you live, you didn't SPEND A DIME, No Courier could come, you were NEVER avail, your belly, your gut hurt, wife was sick, SAME EXCUSES ON KLOV.COM, Heat DID not warp the tapes, you THREW EM out because your not a good man, TAPES were stored in NEVADA HEAT IN GARAGES YEARS ON END
THEY DON'T WARP U LIAR Perhaps your brain did, YOU were nearly PUT IN JAIL By Pete and Jace for these ILL doings REFUSAL ON your end!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FLAT OUT LIAR you are and maybe WHEN your lies, stealing, and ill doings stop the TROUBLE you brought on you and others JUST might go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Find GOD first because your in need of it badly!!!!!!
Ask for forgiveness
Come Forward like the Ugly fat man in Billy Madison did
It's Time Patrick it's a Sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we know you are sick and not well but it's OK to say sorry and let the gaming world know your not to be trusted or worked with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are an EVIL person Patrick Scott Patterson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come clean
When you have people that catch on over the years to your lies and made up truman show type life, and it gets to the point your called out by hundreds and HATED nationwide, and it comes to you being exposed, followed,photographed, you are NOT a good person and you are well aware BUT IN denial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is NO falsehood Patrick it dates back to your early 2000's scams,wrong doings and illegal practices KLOV Texashotshot anyone can look up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your failed forced to shutdown Mickey Mouse Work Arcade Repair shop
Your lies about not knowing and watching Major Names in gaming that are NOT jealous of little small time niche people like yourself!!!!!
Before we take a further crack at this Blog, lets examine one CRITICAL thing here!!!!!!!!!
What is your Claim to Fame Patrick??????
Failed Kickstarters
Living off ACA?
Living off Melissa??
Never holding a real Job?
The lie you were in the NWC let alone any semi finals???
The lie you got a DK KS ?
The lie you don't watch every move of ACTUAL celeb gamers?
The fact YOU ARE soon to be the the FIRST gamer in history to LOSE 730 plus scores????
The fact you were caught by referees self entering scores, and cheating using extra lives?
The fact you were forced to Resign from TG?
Maybe the fact YOU nearly went to Jail 2x for stealing and holding hostage intellectual property of not just Twingalaxies But of players?????
Maybe your claim to fame are the FAKE charities you run?????
Maybe that your the ONLY person in history to rebrand over 20 times in 11 years??????
Perhaps the fact you ran off with peoples money for repairs you ruined and boards and systems you fried????
Maybe that you created fake submitters and scores??? against Rudy?
Is your claim to fame the incomplete FALSE info and stories you wrote in articles like Spaltterhussies???
Perhaps the ONLY person that claimed 35 years of Passion to say he didn't ever care about High scores and used to post about it by the min????
That your failed Wrestling career never went to the level you wanted ????
You make the most pity posts in SOCIAL MEDIA HISTORY for sure?????
Having the MOST youtube videos removed for violations?
the most photos and articles stolen shopped and re written????
the things you take credit for never even attempted let alone did???
You hold quite a claim to FAME Patrick Scott Patterson, you are in FACT the greatest, liar, scam artist and failure in Modern History of Entertainment, and Gaming!!!!!!!!!!!!
You forgot to add you told several others at the event not to get too close to you when cameras are near, and didn't speak to anyone but Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The USNVGT is not your's BY law it can be retracted at any time
The fact is people are after you and pissed off for stealing and re selling in private special things sent to you LIAR, you not donated more than 25.00 to any charity, no proof any items of yours were donated.
BLAH BLAH BLAH we all know what you sell resell and use and lie about, just like the DEAD mans boxes you SAID you wanted out of resellers hands and you RESOLD them on ebay ripping people off on shipping and costs!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody but you cares about the Archive Alley which is Niche and NON existent!!!!!
Get a Job to Finance the Project WHY should donations and living off your wife be the ONLY option?
REPLY#2 Several people are following you and taking pics and watching your ill doings, some of these people you owe apologies, money and other make ups for your ill doings, it's catching up, you know there is proof your mouth running all day trying to plea your lies is PROOF, nobody cares YOU CALLED the police and you made it worse by posting about it NO cop police or Court will take YOUR case that you don't have SIMPLY now more so BECAUSE of your mouth, speaking about it and saying it don't bother you and nor do you care MORON...
A judge and police dept will DISMISS your land of make Believe case, by you PUBLIC posting downplaying the Situations!!!!!!!! You must have ate Paint chips as a kid or perhaps dropped at a young age, and it's evident!!!!!!
Paranoid Droid Tuna Melt head well Nobody knows anything except WHAT you speak upon and your warning means EMPTY promises like your DAILY big big THINGS coming est 2006 never to occur.
You crossed your own line screwing people over, stealing and lying over the years PAY BACK IS a bittersweet situation, you like to WATCH and stalk Rudy and others NOW yours is a reality in your face YOU ALWAYS wanted and cannot take!!!!!!!
It takes MONEY to SUE, get a COURT case You HAVE 0 and here is the NEXT proof you have no leg to stand on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The above ARE actual legal facts regarding your situation READ EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REPLY #3 You never cared you posted ABOUT it every month and sometimes DAILY for days and months and YEARS on end, you AGED 20 years in the last 4 in ur face, gut and overall look, not stressed my ass, and you DO care what everyone thinks you prove it daily, asking advice, bragging about fake false goals and things you never did, and of course LYING to push things YOU DID ILL, you called people CRYING about it, including Jace Hall in the middle of the NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
REPLY #4 Jut like Patrick you CARE or you spend 18 hours a day 7 days a week on US
But it's OK for you to try to sabotage the MAN and Company that made you anything you ever were????? what bigger picture more lies, a way to feed your family with NO real job, so melissa can work while you play HOUSEWIFE?, The ONLY false history is YOUR LIFE, and the claims you lie about on others, and Sabotaging wiki with ur new panty sniff!!!!!!!!! yup 1000s of miles on your car to make 50.00 a week run it into the ground, despite you NEVER PLAYED A game till 2006, and the way you eat, and live in a cess pool mess, short sleep kills when ur 150 pounds overweight btw!!!!!!
You tried to SELL those tapes to many outside of social media, your sheds ARE part of your 700.00 rent your WIFE pays we all called and checked, they are rusted, leak and are full of bacteria, GAMERS tapes GOT ruined BECAUSE of your neglect and lazy ways you live, you didn't SPEND A DIME, No Courier could come, you were NEVER avail, your belly, your gut hurt, wife was sick, SAME EXCUSES ON KLOV.COM, Heat DID not warp the tapes, you THREW EM out because your not a good man, TAPES were stored in NEVADA HEAT IN GARAGES YEARS ON END
THEY DON'T WARP U LIAR Perhaps your brain did, YOU were nearly PUT IN JAIL By Pete and Jace for these ILL doings REFUSAL ON your end!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FLAT OUT LIAR you are and maybe WHEN your lies, stealing, and ill doings stop the TROUBLE you brought on you and others JUST might go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Find GOD first because your in need of it badly!!!!!!
Ask for forgiveness
Come Forward like the Ugly fat man in Billy Madison did
It's Time Patrick it's a Sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we know you are sick and not well but it's OK to say sorry and let the gaming world know your not to be trusted or worked with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are an EVIL person Patrick Scott Patterson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come clean
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Patrick Scott Patterson falsely calls and labels his recent panty sniff girl Katy Barber Kake Bytes a Historian?
Hmmmmm Lets take a closer look at that shall we??????
Young Historian?????
Yup Katy Kake sure is taking the Kake with young historical posts of gaming HISTORY????
You got me Dead Bang there Liar fraud scam artist Patrick Scott Patterson
Rolls Eyes
Buy a clue folks this is NO historian just like Papsmear and Splatterhussey are NOT GAMERS
Young Historian?????
Yup Katy Kake sure is taking the Kake with young historical posts of gaming HISTORY????
You got me Dead Bang there Liar fraud scam artist Patrick Scott Patterson
Rolls Eyes
Buy a clue folks this is NO historian just like Papsmear and Splatterhussey are NOT GAMERS
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