Sunday, September 3, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson cannot keep his hand out of the L-22 Cookie Jar and the Heat makes him Bash stars like Ferretti and Cohen

 Below is Patrick Scott Patterson calling out REAL notable gamers and of course cannot take the heat so he uses pity once again and fabrication


I skipped Colt's first birthday under HIS PERSONAL PROMISE that our promised pay was going to take place. I made a mistake and I'm REAL about it... and you still whine like bitches over it. Then again - as I said before - this is NOT the first time I've posted this exact story... 

Reply - You have skipped many family affairs do to scores and ill doings we seen it on TG forums YOU posted, it's not the first Birthday you missed Patrick

At the same time, some of you knocked me just the same for turning down a guaranteed $30,000 up to a $50,000 payday to do a show with the psycho you support despite his celebrations of our miscarriage, rape threats against my wife, physical threats against me, calling my child a retard and an invalid and his support of a literal stalker who I have the police investigating RIGHT NOW. But yeah, hey... claim I'm a sell out... even after some of you said you'd have taken that show money. 

Reply - Regarding Rudy J. Ferretti a Sag Actor hmmmm no Patrick you do not get 30-50k for a 15-30 min show appearance being a NOBODY on a court show, and you call Rudy a Psych besides you and Cat, nobody ever accused Rudy of cheating, jail concerns, lets see stealing money, false information being entered into mags and books, creating fake people and scores, doing ANYTHING illegal, nobody celebrated your pity me Miscarriage, asking to have your wife after a fight is a trophy not a rape threat, you done plenty of Physical Threats home skillet, well clearly the Invalid stuff is accurate, you have NO investigation and if you do it's now watered down, you are a sell out, you did with mags and sites and kickstarter deals. The reality is the show contacted Rudy and Rudy explained the bad person you were and the SHOW was dropped and it would have been 50-1000 Tops even Rudy would not have gotten more than 567 for the day and he is a SAG actor YOU are not.

Marc Cohen... F YOU. My own personal statement, not representing anything I'm associated with. F YOU. You were invited into our home... my wife made you dinner... I took you to one of my local hangouts, where you gave me your undying support while ripping into the "mental" state of Ferretti. Some time later, you denied to me flatly that you described our home to him, claiming you didn't want to be involved in any drama. You are a liar and a puss of a man. Zero respect for someone who double talks and rips from afar like that, especially after being shown hospitality. Cram it.

Reply - Awww how cute the old F YOU so because he came into the 2x4 Family House and your wife NEVER made him dinner that is fabricated, oh now Rudy is mental ???? and your home should have been a house by now but because YOU don't want to work or get a REAL job it suppresses them while Melissa kills herself daily, all you did was speak about yourself the entire time Marc was there, same at funspot telling him not to stand too close to you to get camera action, F YOU patrick.

The hypocrisy of that community is only trumped by the total lack of information they have before they spout off about shit. I posted this today to HELP YOU, because frankly Mitchell pulled some true bullshit with it and YOU ARE RIGHT to remove it. It was the day I saw the light concerning him and the whole TG fairy tale that so many of you rip me for fighting against AS YOU. START TO SEE IT TOO and start to do the same. Yet my post results in some of you ripping on ME rather than the liar Mitchell and the circumstances.

Suck it.

Reply - Can't take the heat huh patrick it goes back to your L-22 Cookie Jar with ill players Like Steve Sanders 

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