Sunday, August 6, 2017

Patrick Scott Patterson's continuation of panty sniffs and wiki ruining Rachel Lara Mini Katy Barber Kake Bytes not any sort of personality or historian and can use nasel spray or sinus surgery

Patrick Scott Patterson has been known as a young girl panty sniff, he has done so at many events, right in front of his wife, from Glorifying Liz Hunter who was Bolinger at the time, to Rachel Lara, Caitlin Oliver Splatterhussey and many others, event Cat Test known as despira.

In recent attempts to Destroy wiki and more lies and ruin historical facts, he sniffs the drawers of a girl named Katy Barber known as Kake Bytes, her IP address starting with 47 cannot list rest here

This girl may be over 18 but she looks 13 and needs sinus surgery, as much as Patrick does, she has been pushed and hired by Patrick to sabotage Wiki and other pages for Rudy, Billy and Walter.....

Patrick lately calls her a watch out young historian, YET nothing on her page proves she knows about any historical info or posts to boot and, was she even alive when NES was on the market, let alone arcades?????

38 followers big young historian, ruining historical facts on wiki!!!!!!!

Patrick has been talking about taking the next steps to press charges or cry foul on his so called recent brought on himself stalking and candid camera pics.

In recent news the only next step Patrick will be taking is to accuse the wrong person and find himself in LEGAL trouble, also Patrick wants to be a public figure and celeb but, you cannot have a private life and want all the exposure back and forth, its ALL or nothing.

Truth is people can follow him around and take pics of him because, he put himself OUT there, advertising his one of kind Kia and stolen illegally used logo patches.

He cannot handle the reality people are figuring his ill doings out, along with Nobody Kake Bytes!!!!!

Katy Barber you are a NEWBIE a nobody to our scene just another right hand or left hand of Patrick Scott Patterson's Melissa must be really proud perhaps it ill be his NEXT best Friend AND Partner in crime!!!!!!!!!

It goes beyond grey hair, we are talking an aging of 20 years in under 5, head growth and belly ballooning, beer wings???????

Katy take ur double edged nose ring out maybe the nasal voice will vanish, and rule#2 stay farther away from the camera GREEN lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Showbiz 101

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